Monday, August 13, 2012



First Encounters With Jash
Is there when Katherine Connor performs the operation to remove Jash's chip. Afterwards he rants to Jash about his true opinions about her. They are interrupted when John enters the room. Barnes greets John Connor upon his return from a battle, but completely ignores Jash.

Dealings with Jash
Is made to go on guard duty with her. They have a discussion about Jash's place as a Terminator right before a mass of something comes towards G and R Base. The two grow a small bond after they fight off a wave of Terminators together.

Is sent on a mission with Jash, Katherine Connor, and Star. When the chopper crashes he is not seen.


Barnes and Katherine Connor
Is loyal to her merely because she is John Connor's wife.

Barnes and John Connor
Is one of John Connor's most loyal soldiers.

Barnes and Jash
Hates her merely because she is a hybrid and hopes she doesn't form a relationship with John Connor. However, he has grown to respect her.


Human or Terminator


First Appearance
The Eternal Heart: Demon in the Shell 3

Katherine Connor


First Encounters With Jash
Kate performed the operation to remove Jash's chip. A little while later, Kate tests Jash on medical skills and then gives her a little training course. Before Kate dismisses Jash, she tells the hybrid to stay away from John Connor. She is kept at base while John Connor goes into battle with Jash for the first time. When John arrives back at base she greets him with a hug. She also accepts Jash as a member of the Resistance.

Kate goes on a scouting mission with Jash, Barnes, and Star. She doesn't think her pregnancy will cause any problems. Kate gets suspicious of Jash's relationship with John since Jash knew Kate was going to have twins. Jash finds Katherine soon after the chopper crashes and moves her away from the wreckage. Katherine thinks Jash is John and talks to her like John until they reach a building. Katherine continues to talk to Jash like she's John and says she's dying. She tells Jash that she needs to find someone to love after her and that she can continue to fight even if she doesn't find someone else. She finally cries out in pain as she's giving birth. Katherine successfully gives birth. Soon afterwards Jash leaves her to search for a radio.


Katherine Connor and John Connor
Loves John very much and doesn't ever want to give him up.

Katherine Connor and Jash
Doesn't like Jash due to Jash wanting to have John's affections. Part of the reason that she doesn't want her with John is the fact that Katherine believes John should only love a human.

Katherine Connor and Barnes
Considers him a loyal soldier but a little extreme.


Human or Terminator


First Appearance
The Eternal Heart: Demon in the Shell 3

Thursday, August 9, 2012

John Connor Version 1.0


First Encounters With Jash
Questions her lightly due to him becoming interested in her (other soldiers reported about Jash to him). John tells Jash that she is going to be executed. After a conversation, John decides to look at removing Jash's chip (she's a hybrid). After Jash's chip was removed he visits her and they share a loving gaze. He snuck a gaze at her while she was walking back to her room.

First Battle With Jash and His Stanch on a Relationship with Her
John Connor gives a speech before a battle and then goes into a helicopter, standing beside Jash. They have a conversation where Jash says, basically, that he shouldn't feel burdened with a perceived destiny. John doesn't believe her and then the battle starts. After the battle he protects Jash from being killed by Terminators. They then share a moment without acting on their feelings. Once he gets back to base he is hugged by Katherine Connor and greeted by Barnes.

Meets Jash in the showers. They talk, laugh, and joke while they shower separately.

John starts to teach Jash about the complexities of the Resistance.

After Jash does guard duty with Barnes, the two discuss how Jash should handle orders in the future. When Jash starts to kiss John he stops her before she truly begins and says he has to think on it. Later he tells her that he won't divorce Kate to be with her. The two cry while embracing each other.


John Connor and Jash Connor
Is attracted to her but decides to just remain friends with her.

John Connor and Katherine Connor
Doesn't feel like Katherine could fight and live. Loves her and chooses Kate over Jash.


Human or Terminator


First Appearance
The Eternal Heart: Demon in the Shell 1


Or at least doesn't have the extreme dislike that the majority of the Resistance has for them

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Developed By: Skynet

Primary Functions: Infiltration & Assassination

Reason For Series Name: Xeno means alien/different and the Xeno Series is one of the most unique and daring series (besides the T-1000 and Hybrid)

Different Models: Each model is unique due to how they are created


The Xenos are born like a human. First a Terminator needs to get a human womb and the womb be able to give birth. Then an egg and sperm (one artificial and one real)are inserted into the womb. In the womb, the Xeno grows coltan bones. Once it is born it will appear like a Hybrid to the untrained eye. Only a few minor characteristics can be used to tell the two apart.


In this stage the Xeno usually doesn't know it is a Xeno. This stage is merely to test if the Xeno will be loyal. If not, it is killed off quickly. However, a few are able to have their chips removed which lets them decide what to do.

Note: The chip isn't the only way to control a Xeno in the hybrid stage.


Now the Xeno is complete. It cannot reproduce and the only way to destroy it is to fully destroy its heart. This is because if you harm any other part of the Xeno it can heal back to perfect health. If you partially harm the heart it will take awhile for the Xeno to heal. Now the Xeno cannot be controlled by Skynet which is why the Hybrid stage is so important.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Derek Reese Version 1.0 (bio)

Killed during Judgment Day


Derek Reese and Kyle Reese


Human or Terminator


First Appearance

Star (bio)

Mission with Jash
Before going on a mission with Jash, Barnes, and Katherine Brewster, Star explains to Jash how she has avoided going on missions due to her fearing responsibility. Jash comforts her by saying that not wanting responsibility means that she'll deal with it better when she does have responsibility. She is not seen after the chopper crashed.


Star and Kyle Reese

Star and Jash
Star finds Jash comforting.


Human or Terminator


First Appearance
The Eternal Heart: Fragile Package 1

Kyle Reese (bio)


Meeting Jash
Greets her and tells her about himself. He only leaves her due to being called to do something.


Kyle Reese and Jash
Feels her to be a troubled soldier that won't last the war.

Kyle Reese and Derek Reese
Hardly knew him before he died on Judgment Day. But feels great brotherly love for him.

Kyle Reese and Star
Loves her and finds her to be the reason he started fighting against Skynet.


Human or Terminator


First Appearance
The Eternal Heart: Eyes Opened 5


Sarah Connor
Isn't interested in her at all

'Ol Jack Camp

First mentioned in Eyes Opened 4

First Resistance camp Jash is brought to.


Jackson, Wyoming

Monday, May 21, 2012

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Eternal Heart Promo (Just A Kiss)

Note: The latest section in The Eternal Heart so far is False Hero. So this deals with the future of the series.

Plot: Jash has fallen head over heels for John Connor. But both are unsure how to proceed. John is afraid of breaking up with Katherine Connor (his wife) who was the one who helped him through the War with Skynet so far. He feels he can never repay the debt he owes her. Jash realizes that breaking up John and Kate could be bad for the Resistance. However, they can't deny the deep feelings they have for each other.

The Eternal Heart is my Terminator Fanfiction.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Synopsis and Sneak Peeks

The Eternal Heart
Sections Mentioned: False Hero and Eyes Opened

The Eternal Heart
Sections Mentioned: Eyes Opened and Demon in the Shell

The Eternal Heart
Sections Mentioned: Demon in the Shell, First Interlude, and New Recruit


Riley Dawson (bio)


Time with Jash
While on a mission with Jesse Flores (to scout out a Skynet Base for a future Resistance attack), she runs into Jash. Thinking that Jash is a Terminator (since Jash is by a Skynet Base, Base 42), she helps Jesse capture Jash. Later she questions Jash. Then she is questioned by Jash. She tells Jash that she has been brainwashed. With Jesse, she takes Jash to a Resistance Camp.


Riley Dawson and Jesse Flores
Fellow Resistance Fighters and lovers. Trusts Jesse to make her a good fighter. Originally started going out with Jesse because she felt comfortable with her. Is in pain upon Jesse's death.

Riley Dawson and Jash
Riley feels pity for Jash since Jash has been messed up due to brain washing.


Human or Terminator


First Appearance
The Eternal Heart: False Hero 5


Special Hand Signals
These are combined with sounds. The Resistance taught her, and Riley, these special hand signals.

Isn't with Jesse Flores so they don't meet up often

Jesse Flores (bio)


Time with Jash
While on a mission with Riley Dawson (to scout out a Skynet Base for a future Resistance attack), she runs into Jash. Thinking that Jash is a Terminator (since Jash is by a Skynet Base, Base 42), she captures Jash with the help of Riley. Later she has Riley question Jash. Then she allows Jash to question Riley. Jesse has Riley tell Jash that she's been brainwashed. She takes Jash to a Resistance Camp. It's confirmed, upon Jesse's death, that Jash isn't human.


Jesse Flores and Riley Dawson
Fellow Resistance Fighters and lovers. Feels that Riley can become so much more with more experience. Originally started going out with Riley because Riley was shy and had courage.

Jesse Flores and Jash
Thinks that Jash is a Terminator and just won't admit it. Unless, of course, enough pressure is applied. Is starting to consider Jash a little more trustworthy. That trust is destroyed by the time of her death.


Human or Terminator


First Appearance
The Eternal Heart: False Hero 5

The Eternal Heart: Eyes Opened 6


Special Hand Signals
These are combined with sounds. The Resistance taught her, and Riley, these special hand signals.


XO USS Jimmy Carter

Derek Reese
Either never met Derek or didn't love/have a relationship with him.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Base 42

First mentioned in False Hero 4.

Jash finds out that she is most likely fighting for Skynet and not the Resistance.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Events in Chronological Order (The Eternal Heart)

Here are the events of the series in chronological order. As The Eternal Heart is a frame story people seem to be confused as to when things happen.

False Hero 1
Jash wakes up and thinks she is attacking Terminators. Though there are some hints that they might really be humans.

False Hero 2
Starts right after the battle Jash was in False Hero 1. Her comrades and medic are acting oddly. Things happen that hint that she might be under Skynet's control.

False Hero 3
This occurs shortly after False Hero 2.

False Hero 4
Occurs at least a month after False Hero 3.

False Hero 5
Occurs a few hours after False Hero 4.

Jash Connor is in a meeting where she is sitting by Lillith and Cameron V 2.0/Tin-Miss. Jash gets up, presented by Martin Bedell V 2.0 (who is a hybrid), and tells the audience that she's going to tell them her story so that they can make a choice.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Martin Bedell Version 1.0 (bio)


Fighting For Skynet
It fought for Skynet. That's all that's know.




Human or Terminator


First Appearance/Death
The Eternal Heart: False Hero 1

Also, see Martin Bedell Version 2.0

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Martin Bedell/Marty Version 2.0 (bio)


During the Prologue
Martin Bedell considers Jash Connor a personal friend of his. He was the leader of the Resistance when Skynet was defeated.

During the First Interlude
He wakes Jash up from her thoughts.

Martin Bedell and Jash
Considers Jash to be a loyal soldier.

Martin Bedell and Cameron/Tin-Miss

Martin Bedell and Lillith


Human or Terminator

Hybrid (former human)

First Appearance
The Eternal Heart: Prologue

Also, see Martin Bedell Version 1.0

Cameron/Tin-Miss Version 2.0 (bio)


During the Prologue
Cameron is a friend of Jash Connor and is confused as to why Jash calls her Tin-Miss.

During the First Interlude
Looks at Jash Connor and isn't happy.

Cameron and Lillith

Cameron and Martin Bedell/Marty

Cameron and Jash
Cameron doesn't like Jash because of something in their past.


Human or Terminator


First Appearance
The Eternal Heart: Prologue

Also, see Cameron/Tin-Miss Version 1.0
(link upcoming)

Lillith Version 2.0 (bio)


During the Prologue
Lillith is very close to Jash Connor. She also gives off a very non-human feel to her. But she is still human.

During the First Interlude
Looks at Jash with a crazed look.

Lillith and Jash
She loves Jash.

Lillith and Cameron/Tin-Miss

Lillith and Martin Bedell v 2.0


Human or Terminator


First Appearance
The Eternal Heart: Prologue

Also, see Lillith Version 1.0
(link upcoming)

Jash/Jash Connor/JC/J.A.S.H. (bio)


Beginning of Her Involvement With the Resistance
Jash was a loyal Resistance fighter, though she can't remember about the day she joined. She hates Skynet and everything about it. Though she does think that the Terminators are odd. Especially that they are too easy to kill.

The Massacre/Mission to Destroy a Skynet Base
Jash goes on a mission to infiltrate a Skynet Base and instead ends up involved in a massacre. Or at least she thinks it seems like a massacre.

Finding Terminator Factory at a Resistance Base
While exploring an off limits part of base, Jash finds a Terminator factory. She is horrified that she is fighting for Skynet. Before she can do anything she is knocked out.

Time with Jesse Flores and Riley Dawson
While out on patrol, Jash is captured by two people (Jesse Flores and Riley Dawson) who claim they are Resistance Fighters. Jash later finds a shack for the three of them to stay in. She is questioned by Riley. Later she questions Riley. Her final questioning by Jesse and Riley confirms she was working for Skynet (since they say she's been brainwashed).

Joining the Resistance
Goes with Jesse and Riley to a Resistance Camp (though neither says who Jash really is). Has a migraine after talking to Kyle Reese and realizes there are Terminators in the base. Sees humans as Terminators and kills them. Finally she kills Jesse before being knocked out (or killed).

Captured by the Resistance
Wakes up and finds herself captured. Later talks to John Connor. Jash is put into a cell for a few weeks. Finally John comes in and tells her of her upcoming execution. Luckily Jash is able to convince him not to and instead he looks at removing her chip (she's a hybrid). Jash's chip is removed by Katherine Connor in which her real memory returns. Afterwards Barnes rants at her and she fights back with words. They are then interrupted by John who shares a gaze with Jash.

Becoming a Resistance Fighter
After the chip has been removed from Jash, she goes through a trial period. During this trial period she is trained in Resistance Combat and interrogated. After one of these days she is walking back to her room when she spots John Connor sneaking a glance at her. A day or two later, Katherine Connor calls her to Sickbay. When Jash arrives, Katherine tests her on medical skill and then gives her a short training lesson (after Kate had finished patching up a soldier). Before Katherine dismisses Jash, she tells the hybrid to stay away from John. Jash is happy when she leaves Sickbay due to knowing there is a good chance she can get with John. Before going into her first battle she thinks about how likely it is that John would actually want her. Jash pays more attention to John than to his pre-battle speech and then is happy when she is right beside him while going to where the battle will be. Right before the battle starts she talks to John about her purpose and his. During it she says that John really doesn't have a destiny, unlike her being "changed" and made to have a purpose by Skynet. After the battle John helps her defeat some remaining Terminators. Once that is finished they share a moment, but don't act on their feelings. Once she returns to base Barnes ignores her and Katherine says Jash is now a member of the Resistance. Even though Jash is now a Resistance Fighter she has to do mundane tasks until she is fully accepted. She meets up with John Connor in the showers. For a moment Jash has a fantasy that she's having an intimate encounter with John before realizing that her fantasy isn't happening at the current moment.

She gets information about the complexities of the Resistance through John and gets assigned guard duty that night with Barnes. Jash debates Barnes about her humanity before a group of something heads towards the base. As they fight the two form a small bond. When she talks about not obeying orders to John afterwards the two joke and are serious on the matter. Jash decides she can't contain her feelings for John any longer and tries to kiss him. He stops her and says that he needs to think about it. When they meet up in the showers John explains to her that he won't divorce Kate to be with her. The two then embrace each other and cry over the decision.

Covering Scouting Mission Up To Lillith's Introduction
Jash has focused hard on the Resistance since John Connor said no to a relationship with her. She doesn't accept any of the guys John sends her way. She is uncertain about leading a mission with Katherine Brewster, Barnes, and Star. This is because the only one she trusts is Star. Jash reassures Star about responsibility and has to reassure Katherine about John not cheating. Jash fails to take down the HKs and the chopper crashes. She gets Katherine out of the wreckage first and then doesn't see Star or Barnes respond. Jash helps Katherine to a building while the woman thinks Jash is John. The next morning Jash talks to Katherine. Katherine still thinks she is John and reassures who she thinks is John that she'll be able to continue on without her. When Katherine goes silent Jash thinks that her dying would be good as Jash would finally have a chance with John. When Katherine screams Jash is confused and she suddenly realizes that Katherine is giving birth. Jash, with a lot of trouble, helps Katherine deliver the babies. After washing the twins she decides she has to leave to find a radio to contact the Resistance.

During the Prologue
Jash Connor is tired from the two wars she fought against Skynet and wants to sleep forever. It seems her closet friends are Lillith and Cameron (whom she calls Tin-Miss). She is angry about something Martin Bedell (whom she calls Marty) did during her Second War with Skynet.

During the First Interlude
Jash Connor is overtaken by the memory of John Connor that she forgets where she is. After being reminded of where she is, she begins telling her tale again.


Jash and Martin Bedell/Marty
Hates him for doing something but still has feelings for him.

Jash and Cameron/Tin-Miss
They seem to have a troubled past together.

Jash and Lillith v 2.0
Jash loves Lillith even though Lillith is insane.

Jash and Riley Dawson
Jash thinks Riley is, overall, innocent.

Jash and Jesse Flores
Jash feels that Jesse will do anything to win. But that her love for Riley will stop her from going too far. Jesse starts to grow on Jash. Jash finds herself turned on by Jesse, though she's never felt the need to have sex.

Jash and Kyle Reese
Considers him a friend.

Jash and John Connor
Jash fell instantly in love with him and continues to love him.

Jash and Katherine Connor
Feels Katherine is in the way of getting to John. But feels Katherine makes John happy and that is a good thing.

Jash and Barnes
Feels he is right in his hate.

Jash and Cook
Will work with her but thinks Cook hates her like all the other Resistance Fighters do.

Jash and Star
Jash trusts Star but finds her fear of responsibility a weakness.


Human or Terminator


First Appearance
The Eternal Heart: Prologue



Age (as of The Eternal Heart: Eyes Opened 4)

Favorite Organization for Food

List of Characters

Here is a list of characters from The Eternal Heart listed in alphabetical order.

Note: Links to a character's bio will be added. Thank you for your patience.
Angel Connor (bio upcoming)
Axl Connor (bio upcoming)
Cameron/Tin-Miss Version 1.0 (bio upcoming)
Cameron/Tin-Miss Version 2.0
Coyote (bio upcoming)
Crow (bio upcoming)
Derek Reese Version 1.0
Derek Reese Version 2.0 (bio upcoming)
Ellen Reese/Birdie (bio upcoming)
Erik Hirsch/Wolfy (bio upcoming)
Fox (bio upcoming)
Jash/Jash Connor/JC/J.A.S.H.*
Jerome Allhouse (bio upcoming)
Jesse Flores
John Connor Version 1.0
John Connor Version 2.0 (bio upcoming)
Katherine Connor
Kyle Reese
Lillith Version 1.0 (bio upcoming)
Lillith Version 2.0
Marcus Felix (bio upcoming)
Martin Bedell Version 1.0
Martin Bedell/Marty Version 2.0
Riley Dawson
Sarah Connor Version 1.0 (bio upcoming)
Sarah Connor Version 2.0 (bio upcoming)
Sirrush the Elder (bio upcoming)
Sirrush the Younger(bio upcoming)
Tommy Lovlien (bio upcoming)
Zachary Hicks (bio upcoming)

If I missed any NAMED character please comment who and when they first appear.

Also, some characters are listed that haven't appeared yet.

* = Not the same as J.A.S.H. mentioned by Jerome Allhouse.

Time Traveling Basics

As this series is heavily dependent on time traveling to fully understand it, here are some basics.

Timelines (also Original Timeline)
Timelines refers to the events that a person lives through. Such as the life you are living through right now is your "original timeline" and if you were to go forward in time it could still be your "original timeline". However, time traveling has a small risk of jumping into another timeline in which events (and/or people) are not the same.

To help my readers/fans out, I will call characters (that appear in multiple timelines) as Version 1.0, Version 2.0, ect. to indicate what characters appear in what timeline (at least in this blog).

First/Second Judgment Day/War with Skynet
Because Jash Connor has lived through multiple timelines she uses these titles to indicate which timeline she's talking about.

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Eternal Heart (Page 1)

Here are links to the sections of the series The Eternal Heart.

Note: Only sections that are completed will be linked to.

Jash Connor wakes up and starts to tell her full history, which she says will end with a choice for the audience.

False Hero
Jash is a loyal Resistance Fighter. At least she thinks so.

Eyes Opened
Jash has been captured by Resistance Fighters Riley Dawson and Jesse Flores. Through questioning Jash learns some new horrifying truth about herself.

Demon in the Shell
Jash is captured by the Resistance and meets John. She also learns something new about herself.

First Interlude
Jash forgets she is telling her story as she remembers her first meeting of John Connor.

New Recruit
Jash becomes a real member of the Resistance.

Angelic Savior
Jash deals with her feelings for John Connor.

Fragile Package
Jash goes on a mission with Katherine Connor, Barnes, and Star that goes wrong and leaves her in the middle of nowhere with Katherine.



Here are the series that relate and/or take place in this universe.

The Eternal Heart

The Eternal War (upcoming)

The Eternal Stand (upcoming)


All characters, places, ect. mentioned on this blog belong to me. If you want to use anything on this blog contact me first.

Note: Exceptions are characters, places, ect. from the Terminator franchise.

Main Blog


The purpose of this blog is to give you a resource to understand the world first introduced in my series The Eternal Heart (which can be found HERE and HERE). This is also so I can have a better chance of not messing up a simple fact.

New chapters of the series won't be released here. Instead use the link above to read the series.

So far only I, jashykins, am working on this blog.

If you do a review of The Eternal Heart (any section or chapter) and/or have fanart contact me and I'll post it on this blog.